feel better.

healing through play.



Emotional discovery and guided play in a safe space — connect and clown with your inner-child or offspring in novel forms. Guided imaginative play prompts, embodiment, and reflection deepen bonds. For individuals and families with children ages 2+.


Play in nature as the basis for deepening emotional intelligence. Flow with feelings that naturally arise when pushing limits through exploration. Unmask insecurities, fears, and frustrations on trails and slopes. For individuals or families with children 5 years and older.

Book a discovery call!

Let’s find mutual goals and feel better.

clients are saying…

“My son is a deeply feeling kid who sometimes presents challenging behaviors, especially when processing his big emotions. I observed Jenn to be particularly gentle and patient with him in these moments while helping him process these feelings through play and movement.

She is able to see children as humans who deserve respect and kindness, and has the ability to validate feelings while also holding boundaries. Jenn’s expertise shines through in countless ways when working with children, and she is someone who continually seeks deeper knowledge and understanding in every aspect of her life and work. Parenting can be quite difficult at times, and it has been a huge support and source of comfort to know that we can trust Jenn to partner with us in caring for our children.” - J.W.

“The way that Jenn communicates and encourages is so positive and playful that the kids were asking to bike more. The way that she pushed them to achieve goals and holds space for them to reflect on their feelings about what they had accomplished was incredible! Both our children were eager to share what they had learned on and off the bike after each session.

We've also had the pleasure of working with Jenn on the ski hill. My daughter's confidence and ability to explain what she was learning showed her growth. Jenn has been an instrumental part in growing our kids love of the outdoors and more importantly, helping them believe in themselves while being active and having FUN.” - K.G.

research - based 


Blending play, nature, and movement creates a supportive environment for curious exploration and integration, fostering resilience and well-being.

  • Play promotes brain development, social skills, and emotional regulation. It allows for safe exploration of emotional scenarios, enhancing cognitive and social abilities (Brown, 2009).

  • Engaging with nature through play fosters emotional resilience and well-being, reinforcing the benefits of Pretty Movings’ outdoor-based approach (Cornell, 2017).

  • Workshops focus on self-regulation, self-awareness, and empathy: crucial skills for overall mental health, well-being and success (Goleman, 1995; Puertas-Molero et al., 2020).

A uniquely holistic approach to emotional growth and healing.

  • Research shows that traumatic experiences are regularly stored in implicit memory, involving emotions and bodily sensations, particularly during early childhood. Play helps integrate implicit memories into coherent narratives, aiding in healing without necessarily verbalizing or re-living traumas (Kestly, 2014).

  • Play activates the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) without losing social engagement, helping to process trauma and return to a state of regulated connection (Porges, 2009; 2011).

  • Anger is intimately linked to fear and the fight / flight response. Provoking defensive aggression when freedom is restricted, highlighting the importance of learning signs of dis-regulation and processing emotions, especially through play and movement (Panksepp, 2010).

*Full reference list in Archives

